VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are invisible gases emitted from paints, adhesives, new carpeting, wall coverings, new furniture, building materials, solvents, cleaning solutions, copy machines, laser printers, nail treatment products, cigarettes, cigars and pipes, plastic products and more.
Especially when new, the chemical fumes emitted from various products are hard to miss. The off gassing period can last from a few days to years, depending on how much toxic ingredients the product contains.
We carry three different technologies that are exceptional at remove VOCs from the air:
Air Oasis Air Purifiers
Air Oasis removes the VOCs directly from the air by emitting cleansing ions that oxidize (think incineration) the chemicals, gases, fumes and odors from the air and surfaces. The two models that work best for VOCs are the Air Oasis 3000 Xtreme for small to medium problems or a 5000 for big problems. The 3000 Xtreme is relatively quiet, and the 5000 is a bit louder. Maintenance is to replace an AHCCO cell once every two years.
Air Airpura Air Cleaners
Airpura removes the VOCs by drawing air through a carbon filter specifically designed for VOCs, thus it has a 365cfm fan, which can be noisy at the higher speeds. There are also filters that need to be replaced, every 1-2 years for the carbon depending on the VOC levels, plus other filters depending on the model you choose. The V600, which also includes a HEPA filter, is great for moderate VOC contamination and the C600+ for higher levels.
While the Airpura technology will initially be faster at removing the VOCs from the air, the Air Oasis does a better job of cleaning the air of a broader ranges of pollution in addition to the VOCs, such as all other chemicals, gases and fumes, molds, bacteria, pollen, dander and other aeroallergens.
Environmental Odor Sponges
The odor sponges are a solid paste-gel made of polyethers, emulsifiers, activated charcoal and hygroscopic and detoxifying agents that are non-toxic, biodegradable and 100% environmentally safe. It comes in a container much like butter containers. Once you remove the lid, it start soaking up any odors, including chemical and VOC.
Air Sponge 1 Pound Odor Eliminator
Expected to ship today
Effective in a 400 to 600 sq. ft. space with an 8 foot standard ceiling. Can last up to 3 months, depending on severity of odors.
$9.95 - $108.00
Part #: ODOR1
Air Sponge 4 Pound Odor Eliminator
Expected to ship today
Effective up to 2,400 sq. ft. space with an 8 foot standard ceiling. Can last up to 4 to 6 months, depending on size of space and severity of odors.
$34.95 - $120.00
Part #: ODOR4