VitaShower Vitamin C
It is widely known that Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant inside the human body. What is not well-known is that Vitamin C also acts as a neutralizing agent when it comes into contact with chlorine and chloramine. The Vitashower SF-1 Vitamin C Shower Filter utilizes ascorbic acid chemistry for de-chlorination. Vitamin C does not hold the chlorine, rather it neutralizes chlorine from an toxic substance into a harmless compound. In more simple terms, Vitamin-C changes chlorine and chloramine from something that can cause you harm to something that causes NO HARM.
Additionally, Vitamin C has long been recognized as playing an important role in the appearance of firm and youthful-looking skin. Vitamin C helps to assist with skin disorders, prevent dry skin, lines and wrinkles and stimulates collagen production for a great anti-aging product. The Vitamin C Shower Filter promotes healthier, more manageable hair and prevents dry, itchy scalp.
Vitamin C Shower Filter contains 210 grams of pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C, capable of neutralizing chlorine in 15,000 gallons of water.The pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C is made from non-GMO Certified Organic Corn.
How the VitaShower Works The VitaShower works under the principles of Capillary Action, the phenomenon of a liquid such as water spontaneously creeping up thin tubes and fibers -- in the case of the VitaShower, two tiny holes -- which is due to such properties as gravity, surface tension, wetting, cohesion, adhesion and viscosity.
How the VitaBath Works
One Vitabath effervescent tablet is able to neutralize 1 ppm chlorine and chloramines in 100 gallons of water and completely eliminate the dry itchy skin caused by chlorine in your hot tub or spas. Toss the tablet into the tub as it is filled with water, and by the time the bath tub is filled the water is treated.
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