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Himalayan Crystal Salt Products

Three hundred million years ago, a vast primordial ocean covered the area that would become the Himalayan mountain range. The salt of that unpolluted ocean was preserved as large crystal formations that now yield the purest salt on earth. Crystal Rock Salt Lamps are made from crystal salt rock mined at the foot of the Himalayas.

These crystal salt rock layers are high in minerals and trace elements, providing the highest quality of natural salt. When the rock salt crystal heats up, it emits negative ions. These ions cleanse the air by removing dust, pollen, dander and cigarette smoke. Also, the negative ions offset the harmful radiation produced by computer monitors, TVs and other electrical devices.

The production of the Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps uses no chemicals (it's handwork, mostly). Unlike other decorative (or household) products that are made of brass, steel, or even worse, aluminum, Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps do not deplete natural resources, do not use a lot of energy, do not pollute, etc. The crystal rock salt reserves in the Himalayas are incredibly large; at the current extraction rate it would take thousands of years to even make a dent in them.

Himalayan salt crystal is by far the purest salt available on earth and is absolutely uncontaminated with any toxins or pollutants. We offer a variety of crystal salt products, including lamps, detoxers, inhalers, candleholders, bath salts, body scrubs, bath bars and table salt.

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