Daily use for several minutes can help:
- Ease breathing
- Alleviate, sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath
- Reduce allergies caused by pollen and hay fever
- Improve sinus conditions
- Diminish the effects of smoking and dehydration
IMPORTANT NOTE: The amount of salt that enters your lungs is so small that it does not affect blood pressure or cause problems with thyroid conditions sensitive to iodine.
Using the Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt Inhaler for 15 to 25 minutes daily can help flush away impurities from the air we breathe in everyday. As long as no moisture gets into the inhaler -- i.e., the salt does not get wet -- the Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt should last for five years or more.
"I wanted to get back to you as to how the inhaler works for me. I would say that it's excellent. I noticed the difference in a few days. As the days progressed, the need for the in-between inhaler from the doctor lessened, and the last couple of days I haven't needed that inhaler at all ... just the one I use morning and night. Last night I slept cough-free without having to take cough medicine. I'm hoping that after a period of time I may be able to get off the Symbicort. Thank you, thank you, thank you." -- June Y., Wisconsin
How to Use the Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt Inhaler
Place your mouth completely covering the opening and breathe in deeply with your mouth and out through your nose. The deeper you can take each breathe, the deeper the tiny particles of salt can penetrate your respiratory system.
Common table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents and iodine, then dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. The excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt. What remains after typical salt is "chemically cleaned" is sodium chloride, which is an unnatural chemical form of salt that your body recognizes as something completely foreign. This form of salt is in almost every preserved food product that you eat; therefore, when you add more salt to your already salted food, your body receives more salt than it can possibly dispose of.
Because typical table salt crystals are totally isolated from each other, in metabolizing these crystals, your body sacrifices tremendous amounts of energy with very little results. Plus, inorganic sodium chloride interferes with the body's ideal fluid balance and can overburden the elimination system. That happens because in the body's effort to isolate the excess salt, water molecules must surround the sodium chloride to break them up into sodium and chloride ions in order to neutralize them. To accomplish this, water is taken from your cells in order to neutralize the unnatural sodium chloride.
Sea salt is better than common table salt; however, it comes from a polluted ocean that has been used to dump garbage and harmful chemicals and toxins. This causes the natural elements of the salt to be disconnected from its crystalline form, and the vital minerals cannot be absorbed by the body without expending tremendous energy to utilize them. The net gain is small, and with an even greater loss of energy.
In the case of Himalayan Crystal Salt, three hundred million years ago, a vast primordial ocean covered the area that would become the Himalayan mountain range. The salt of that unpolluted ocean was preserved as large crystal formations that now yield the purest salt on earth.
Himalayan Crystal Salt is bio-energetically alive and contains the same 84 key trace minerals as our bodies, making it easily metabolized. The balanced crystalline structure reveals fine branching, no shadows or rough edges. The crystal is not isolated from the inherent mineral elements, but is connected to them in a harmonious state. This tells us that the energy content, in the form of minerals, is balanced and can be easily metabolized by the body. When taken as food, it will have a vital energetic effect on the body. The result is a net gain for the body with zero energy loss.