What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a severe biological poison. Being intensely negative, it unlatches positive hydrogen bonds in enzymes and proteins. Most states add at least 1 ppm of sodium fluoride or fluorosilic acid (radioactive toxic waste that contains fluoride) to the water supply, even though it has been proven that at least 113 medical side effects from cancer to headaches are caused by fluoride in the water.

What Removes Fluoride from Water?

Activated alumina has a very high surface-area-to-weight ratio, which means it has a lot of very small pores, almost like tunnels, that run throughout it to absorb fluoride. Activated alumina filters can easily reduce fluoride levels from .5 ppm to less than .1 ppm.

CuZn's countertop and under-counter models, use activated alumina to filter out fluoride. The whole house model uses both calcium-based carbon and activated alumina to remove fluoride.

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