Light therapy has been shown in over 40 years of independent research worldwide to deliver powerful therapeutic benefits to living tissues and organisms. Both visible RED and FAR INFRARED light have been shown to affect at least 24 different positive changes at a cellular level.
Visible RED light at a wavelength of 660nm penetrates tissue to a depth of about 8-10 mm. It is very beneficial in treating problems close to the surface of the skin such as wounds, cuts, scars, and treating infection. FAR INFRARED light at 880nm penetrates to a depth of about 30-40 mm which makes it more effective for bones, joints and deep muscle problems.
Deep Penetrating Red and Infrared Light Therapy is also the most advanced, non-invasive home wrinkle treatment system available to diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, creases, furrows, crow's-feet and the visible signs of facial aging.
We carry the following FAR INFRARED devices to rejuvenate your skin, treat acne, offer relief from muscle pain, detox your body and ease your stress.