How to Select the Best Air Purifier for Your Home, Office or Business
When helping people to decide which technology and which model is right for their particular air pollution problems, the following are factors that we consider:
Pollution Problem (most important factor) - Knowing what air pollution problems you want to get rid of is the most important factor in selecting the right air purifier, because not all technologies get rid of all indoor air pollutants. For instance, if odors, chemicals or VOCs are your problem, you need to get a UV oxidation, carbon or ozone technology to get rid of the problem. A HEPA will NOT get rid of microbials, VOCs, chemical fumes or gases.
Cubic Air Space - All air purifiers list the maximum square footage it can cover, but that assumes ideal conditions and a standard eight foot ceiling. If your ceiling is higher, you must consider the cubic air space that is to be treated. For instance, if your space is 20' x 20' with an eight foot ceiling, you have 400 square feet to treat. However, if your 20' x 20' room had a twelve foot ceiling, you have 600 cubic air space to treat.
Contaminant Factor - The higher the contaminant factor, the lower the square footage the unit can cover. For example, the Surround XJ-3000D can cover 600 square foot, but if the unit is for a pack-a-day smoker, the XJ-3000D will only be able to cover about 300 square foot because cigarette smoke is a tough pollution source.
Occupancy - People bring pollutants inside the space through their shoes and clothes, and that adds to the existing pollution levels already in the space; the more people who occupy the space, the higher the pollution levels and the smaller the square footage the air purifier can treat. Thus, a space with 3 people in it generally doesn't change the treatable area, but 6 people in the space will. This is even more true with children.
Animals - Animals bring a lot of pollution with them in the form of odors, dander, hair and diseases like kennel cough, so the number of animals, their body size and hair type are always factored into the equation.
Call Us for Help
If you are unsure of your needs, give us a call toll free at 866-875-4386 for help. With over 10 years experience with seven different air purification technologies and thousands of unit sold, we are uniquely qualified to help you solve your air pollution problems.